Does FrameIo scans content uploaded by the user for malware?

I want to use this product for my work but I have a requirement from security team to check if the content will be scanned for malware on frame or not to ensure i wont be sharing infected files with someone.
Can you please confirm, if the content will be scanned for malware.
If yes, Is it done synchronously during the upload or later?
Can i download/share the content before it is scanned?

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I am also interested in understanding how handles malware scanning for uploaded content. Can someone confirm if the content is scanned for malware? If so, is the scanning process synchronous during the upload or does it occur later?

Thanks in advance! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Content is scanned for malware after upload and malware is detected that file will not be accessible for view or download.

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How can you confirm this? I don’t think this is mentioned in the SOC2 report (I could be wrong but I did go through it). Is there some form of documentation that can validate this?

I can confirm this because I asked the engineers that implemented it, but unfortunately we don’t have any public information regarding this process in our security documentation available to customers at this time. I do however hope to get that addressed in the new year.