API for v4 yet?


I’m sure you get this question 1,000,000 times a day: is there a timeline for a V4 API? I have a wonderful workflow built between Airtable and Frame using the current API, but am also itching to dig into V4 and all it can do!


+1 on this one, also have a lot of automations based on the API and after the upgrade this morning, everything is broken and not usable :sweat_smile:

We are just beginning to roll out support for our new developer API for V4! You can find documentation here, but access is currently limited to a subset of Frame.io enterprise accounts, managed through Adobe Admin console.

That is just a temporary limitation though and we are working hard to make the new V4 compatible developer platform available to everyone.

is there no temporary quick-fix we can use to still use our automations? they were a key part of our daily workflow so this is really disrupting things for us / making us look at other alternatives. Or at least any time estimate on how much longer it will be?

There’s definitely no “quick” fix that would unblock your automations right away unfortunately, they will all need to be updated to use a new authentication flows, new endpoints, new response models, etc.

Are your automations built using no-code tools like Make.com and Zapier, or are they more bespoke?

They’re on Make.com - mostly using it to upload files, but none of the end points work, not even getting the authenticated user