Tagging / Identifying Option Inside Videos with either a # or ? For Use In Entire Library

First off I want to apologize if this is not the right place to post this question. I wish I was a developer.

As a news organization we do many interviews in the field, they are uploaded and we utilize the @ option with no issues.

Often at the end of an interview we may ask a question unrelated to the subject of that interview and hold for later release. For example I am interviewing a fighter - and at the end of the interview he tells us what his New Years Resolution was. I was told previously by Frame IO to use a # and then create a title like NY2024 to locate the portion of this interview.

This is not working!! We are redoing our demo reel and I wanted to add in testimonials of people speaking highly about our project. I did tag # then testimonial but can’t find in an overall search.

I also asked my editors but they did not have any suggestions.

Did Frame IO give me wrong information? If not how can I search the term? Is this even an option moving forward? Full Disclosure not cheap and am by no means trying to take advantage. If this is a feature that I need to hire I will.

With great gratitude

Susan Cingari

Tags left in comments are not indexed in the global search today. They can only be searched within the Comment tab on an individual asset.

What you’ve described is definitely something we’re considering for the future though!