OAuth 2 App authentication flow

My aim is to fetch the assets from Frame.IO and render it to an AEM page using OAuth 2 App.
I’m able to do it but the issue is with authentication of OAuth 2 App, will have to manually authenticate it. Once the authentication got successful it redirects me to my callback AEM page where I can play the video.
Instead of doing the authentication manually, I want to automate/bypass it in any ways (using java, javascript, etc.).
The steps are-

  1. Hit the auth URL with my localhost.
  2. Have to enter my Frame.IO credentials.
  3. Allow the access.

Please do share you views and ideas on this if you have any.

Instead of doing the authentication manually, I want to automate/bypass it in any ways (using java, javascript, etc.).

This is not possible as it would violate both our ToS and wouldn’t be following the OAuth2 RFC6749 correctly.

You could use a developer token for this instead though!

In the future we may support additional OAuth 2 flows like the Client Credentials for service <> service communication or the OAuth 2.- Token Exchange flow for delegated authorization.

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