Hi Team,
I am trying to upload a large file to a specific folder by creating chunks using realtime upload flag of Create Asset API.
I am following the below steps,
- Create Asset (https://api.frame.io/v2/assets/a2f1fadd-2bc3-4584-836f-7ce/children) with is_realtime_upload is true
- Generate Realtime Upload URL (https://api.frame.io/v2/assets/b275a495-99f6-4bff-8714-1958/realtime_upload/parts) with all the parts details. This API returns bunch of S3 upload URLs which is equivalent to the total number of parts sent in the input.
- Trying to trigger the S3 URL (PUT) (https://frameio-uploads-production.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/parts/file_b275a495-99f6-4bff-8714-1958/part_1), which is throwing following error.
<Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.</Message>
Currently, I am trying all the above steps using Postman. I am planning to implement the same sequence in Java Spring Boot.
Can anyone please help me fix this issue?
Thank you in advance.