Hello, I have a script that saves review links as files are uploaded. If I generate a review link manually in the browser I can choose to show asset versions, however, when my script generates the review link then asset versions are not viewable. Am I missing an option to allow asset versions to show?
Here is what I’m using to create the link
#create review link
payload = {
"name": "New Review Link",
"allow_approvals": True,
"current_version_only": False,
"enable_downloading": True,
"has_password": False
review_link_id = client._api_call('post', '/projects/' + project_id + '/review_links', payload=payload)
# add assets to the review link initiated above
payload = {
"asset_ids": [my_asset_id]
review_link_id = client._api_call('post', '/review_links/' + review_link_id['id'] + '/assets', payload=payload)
review_link = review_link_id['short_url']
The review link saves correctly aside from the fact that no versions in the stack are viewable.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.