I’m getting a 404 Could not find the requested resource when trying to make api request
/v2/assets/ for get assets by id and also get the same message with python sdk. I’m using developer token with all scope selected. Does the V2 API do not supported any more and I need to upgrade to V4 API? /project/2393c837-2843-4b53-86fd-88bdf1f76c21/view/290e8021-f76d-415f-9944-59c8d1229b21
User: Trinh Mai
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://api.frame.io/v2/assets/290e8021-f76d-415f-9944-59c8d1229b21
It might be easier to help you if you could go to the asset on Frame.io, and show us a screenshot with the URL bar.
The V2 API as of today (11/14/24) is still functioning for me.
In short, either that asset ID is incorrect, or you might already be on V4.
If your UI is on V4, you must use the V4 API. However, as of today, you can only use the V4 API if you have an enterprise account. Normal accounts will show this message in the developer console under APIs and services if you do not have access to the V4 API.
License required
Your organization does not have a license to access this API, please contact your admin. If you think this is an error, please contact customer support.
Thanks for your response Derek May. Here is my asset on Frame.io, might be i already on V4 UI and can’t using the V2 API. Does python sdk can working with V4. How can you still working on the V2 API? Are you using V3 UI for working with the V2 API . If so, how can i downgrade this account to V3 for still using the V2 api, i just created this account for working with Frame.io.